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Please share some of your photos for posting here. We can only post what we get from you, so take a camera along to your next gathering with friends, especially you gals who meet for lunch regularly.
Tom MacMillan and his wife Marcie ready for a drive in Tom's 1939 Cadillac This is the car he mentions in his bio. which was originally owned by C. W. Howard of Sea Biscuit fame
Did a pie fight break out at your last lunch gathering? Share the photos with us!
Everybody can laugh after a friendly pie toss
Friends meet for dinner at Moxie 11/06 John Stafford, John Gardner, Phil Caine, Alan Cox, Martyn Rosa
Friends meet for dinner at Moxie 11/06 John Gardner, John Stafford, Phil Caine, Alan Cox, Martyn Rosa
Birthday dinner for Tom Green at the Pheasant Club John Gardner, Tom Green, Tom MacMillan, Dave Clark
Tom excitedly waiting for his birthday cupcake John, Tom and Dave
Tom MacMillan and Dave Clark at Tom's dinner Contemplating the fact that all four guys are now the same age
Three Amigos' Night Out April '07 John Gardner, John Stafford & Phil Caine out for dinner at Jamie's on Broadway
Guys meet at Chargin's before dinner 10/17/07 Jay Gould, Bob Hayashi, David Thomas, John Stafford
Guys meet at Chargin's before dinner 10/07 Martin Block, Martyn Rosa, Phil Caine, John Stafford
Martyn Rosa, Phil Caine, John Gardner, Jay Gould
Dinner at Piatti 10/17/07 Martyn Rosa, Jay Gould, John Gardner, Alan Cox, David Thomas, John Stafford, Martin Block, Phil Caine, Bob Hayashi
Dinner's on the way
Alan and David ask if there's a senior discount
John and Martin decide to tolerate the paparazzi
Jay and John agree that dinner was great
Dinner at Jamie's 5/21/08 Martin Block, John Gardner, Phil Caine
Martin & John wait for the mustard fight
Phil Caine, Tom Green, John Stafford, David Thomas, Jay Gould
After dinner the conversation continues