History Photo Page 4

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page updated 9/27/06

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The missing photos from the 1956 Nugget yearbook
Most yearbooks had incorrect photos at the top of one page. These are the correct photos.
You can right-click on this image to save a copy for your yearbook.

A step to stardom

An all-star cast

Hobart Fong and Frank Mead at an earlier reunion

Diane Jacobson Lowe & Calvin Schuh headed for the Senior Ball in 1956

The Bill Rase Orchestra was one of the most popular for dances
Some McClatchy people at top right

Pat Thomason McClary in March 1953

Dolores Rose Connelly in high school days

Diane Jacobson and Pat Thomason in 1953

Lucille Schenkle, Mike --?, Connie Garrison, Goldie Anderson and Brenda Golden in 1955
"Here's how you dance to that new Rock 'n' Roll music"

Has anything changed in 50 years?

Celebrating a great girls basketball season: Barbara Walls, Roberta Schneider, Carol Tally,
Suzanne Glenn, Linda Brandenburger, Judy Conger, Barbara Wing, Doris Fiedler, Joyce Bartosh

Tom MacMillan & Dave Whiteneck home for summer vacation in 1957
Tom said, "Do you think these pants make my butt look fat?"

Meanwhile, Dave Clark spent the summer working on his business degree from Cal.
Note the beer bottle, Tom Green's "church key" and Pete Givas's Pall Malls as study aids.
"I think these hidden camera pictures will really help me get ahead in business".

Carolyn Judy Deaver visits in 1978

Partying in our Senior year
Barbara Walls, Nancy Crum, Linda Coad, Andrea Hendren, Phil Caine Center: Phil Ohlsson, Monte Marshall, Dave Clark, Norris Knosher, Tom MacMillan,
Front: Dave Whiteneck, Dick James, Dennis Inks, Jim Cross, Clay Smith

Dave Clark has just the potion to resurrect John Gardner
John Stafford, Martyn Rosa, Linda Brandenburger, Phil Ohlsson, Herb Long, Judy Pollock, Frank Mead

Dave Whiteneck demonstrates his amazing collapsing chair trick
Dave, Carol Harmeson, Linda Coad, Norris Knosher, Christine Nichols, Dick James, Carolyn Judy, Phil Stohr, Herb Long, Monte Marshall

Riverside School Fifth Grade in 1949

Riverside School 1950
Bob Crow, David Pfaendler, Donald York, Phillip Pfaendler, David Thomas, John Keyes, Kenneth Daykin, Mr. Harry Roberts, Sharlene Rawlinson, Barbara Walls, Roberta Schneider, Linda Brandenburger, Karen Gaffney, Carol Lear
Middle: Carter Sims, Kenneth Cameron, Larry Lovett, David Whiteneck, Dennis Inks, Kenneth Williams, Philip Stohr, Bobby Hayashi, Ramon Smail, Carleton Meyers, Fred Chapek, Larry Weid, Nancy Rogers, Marilyn Schwilk, Kay Wulff
Front: Boneva Brown, Virginia Vasey, Sandra Berry, Sandra Randolph, Nancy Gregory, Marjorie Halset, Harriet Barber, Suzanne Wilde, Doris Nakatani, Donna Nakatani, Alice Anderson, Sherrill Keene

Top row: Gary Ramage, Kevin Ball, Quinton Kruse, Anibal "Junior" August, David Lidster, Don Schultze, Allan Walker, Hazel Jackson, _?_, Patsy Smith, Donna Lung, Mary Rose, Mary Kavaloski, Lynn Meriweather
2nd row: Duane Clark, Stewart Yoakum, Jerry McNamara, Bob Pollard, Beder Clifton, Dennis McClure, Bernard Munk, Marian Craig, Judy Ash, Dolores Farnsworth, Betty Cimino, John Barr, George Wolfe, Tommy Redock, Dave Carboni, Ron Peters, John Stafford, Fred Holmes
Front: Gail Hunt, Patsy Michel, Carolyn Biggers, Marsha Gould, _?_, Sheila Sanders, Miss Ruess, Miss McClary (Castro?), _?_, Joanne Gardner, Mercianna Mount, Leonez Feltus, Martha White, Mara Scott
Thanks to Carolyn Biggers Shullanberger, Gail Hunt Powell and Andrea Hendren Fiske for names. If you can identify others, send us an email

Newton Booth School in 1947
If you can help identify people, please email us.