2018 Who Was There

These classmates made reservations to attend the 2018 reunion

104 Total attendees (classmates + guests) signed-up as of September 14th.  Actual attendance was 95

* Donor to reunion treasury

➤  no-shows

Tony Antonucci
Christine Asoo Umeda *
Vickie Blakeley
Carolyn Biggers
Phil Caine
Dave Carboni *
➤  Nancy Chenu Owen
➤  Pat Chorovich
Dave Clark
Marilyn Cole Johnson
Bob Crow *
Pete Dohrmann
Bruce Eastley *
Dolores Farnsworth Souza
Doris Fiedler Pylman
Barbara Fong Lee
John Gardner *
Lee Garrison
Judy Geach Winter
Jay Gould
Margie Halset Barbieri
Bob Hayashi
Andrea Hendren Fiske
Darlene Hight Darvin
➤  Joyce Hill Espinola
Margit Hjelmeland Hill
Fred Holmes *
Jay Hubert
➤  Gail Hunt
Masami "Sam" Ikemoto
Diane Jacobson Lowe *
Barbara Jensen
Marilyn Jones Baker
Monte Jordan *
Patricia Kelly Bryant
Sharon King
Joe Latona
Liz Long Globus
Sue Louie Yuen
Donna Machado Hodson *
Dorothy Martin Knight
Edna Masuhara Onodera *
Joy Matsumoto Kihara
Carlton Meyer
Richard Morgan
Donna Nakatani Okamoto
Doris Nakatani Kuroko
Martha Negro Hansen
Christine Nichols
Perry Odell
Charleen Ott Kuykendall
Ivan Page
Dayle Paule
David Pearson
Ron Peters
➤  Judy Peterson Vandenberg
➤  Judy Pollock Palmer
➤  Jay Potter

Sharlene Rawlinson St.Clair
Dewey Richardson
Bob Rohr
Dolores Rose Connelly
Leon Solorio *
Judith Springer Corbett
Phil Soto *
John Stafford
Phil Stohr
Betty Thexton Sigl
➤  Pat Thomason McClary
➤  Barbara Trevorrow Tallman
Marilyn Walker Vollmer *
Bob Warren
Tom Wight
Roselyn Wong Yee
Carolyn Wrinkle Bray
Yoshito Yamada
Carolee Yee Lim
Ed Yenick *
Florence Yokoi

* = Donation