2016 Who Was There

These classmates planned to attend the 2016 reunion

* Donor to reunion treasury

 161 Total attendees (classmates + guests) signed-up as of September 17th

Actual attendance was about 155

➤  no-shows

Tony Antonucci
Christine Asoo Umeda *
  George Bacich
Harriet Barber Cole
Patty Berg Page & Ivan Page
Carolyn Biggers *
Linda Brandenburger *
Brenda Bunney Johnson
➤  Phil Caine
Charlene Carnahan Amstutz
Dave Carboni *
Fred Chapek
Richard Chapin
➤  Juanita Chapman Knee
Pat Chorovich
Betty Cimino Hancock
Dave Clark *
  Linda Coad Godfrey
Judy Cross Syftestad
Bob Crow *
➤  Nick Culjis
Virginia Cuny Maier
Merritt Davis (February class)
Bruce Eastley *
Dolores Farnsworth Souza
Doris Fiedler Pylman
Leonez Feltus Dorsey
Barbara Fong Lee
Norman Gale
John Gardner *
Lee Garrison
Judy Geach Winter
➤  Judy Gehman Sanguinetti
Jay Gould
Doug Gray
Tom Green *
Margie Halset Barbieri
Carol Harmeson Eva
Dorothy (Dot) Hart Christenson
Bob Hayashi
Andrea Hendren Fiske *
Darlene Hight Darvin
➤  Joyce Hill Espinola
Margit Hjelmeland Hill
Fred Holmes
Jay Hubert
Gail Hunt Powell
Masami Ikemoto
Diane Jacobson Lowe *
Dick James
Mike Jan
Barbara Jensen
Marilyn Jones Baker
Monte Jordan *
Patricia Kelly Bryant
Sharon King
➤  Nancy Kirchgater DuPonte
Joe Latona
➤  Sharon Lawrence Benton
Yvonne Lee Jung-Lew
➤  William Lewis
Liz Long Globus
Sue Louie Yuen
Donna Machado Hodson *
Tom MacMillan
Dorothy Martin Knight
Edna Masuhara Onodera *
➤  Joy Matsumoto Kihara
Nathel McClary Clarke
Bob McMains
Carlton Meyer
Rusty Miller *
George Mijares (February class)
Richard Morgan
Donna Nakatani Okamoto
Doris Nakatani Kuroko
Martha Negro Hansen
Kay Neilson Hook
Christine Nichols *
Dave Niemann *
Charleen Ott Kuykendall
Bob Panzer
Fred Pasquini
Dayle Paule
David Pearson *
Shirley Peck Wells
Ron Peters
➤  Judy Peterson Vandenberg
Maureen Pieretti Collins
Judy Pollock Palmer
Rennie Porterfield
Sharlene Rawlinson St.Clair
Dewey Richardson
Bob Rohr
Dolores Rose Connelly
Ron Rupp
➤  Benjamin Solomon *
Leon Solorio *
Phil Soto *
➤  John Stafford
Phil Stohr
Betty Thexton Sigl
➤  David Thomas
➤  Pat Thomason McClary
Ron Tom
Barbara Trevorrow Tallman *
Marilyn Walker Vollmer
Bob Warren
Ann Whidden Bergmark
Dave Whiteneck
Tom Wight
Roselyn Wong Yee
Carolyn Wrinkle Bray
Carolee Yee Lim
Ed Yenick *
Florence Yokoi

* = Donation