2023 Who Was There

These classmates made reservations to attend the 2023 reunion

No-Shows cause problems for the restaurant and for us.  If you have made a reservation and will not be able to attend, please call or email to let us know.  We need to give accurate meal counts to Vince's so they know what to prepare.  We still have to pay for meals ordered for no-shows.

* Donor to reunion treasury

as of September 1st

Christine Asoo Umeda *
Carolyn Biggers
Linda Brandenburger *
Judy Bregman Ets-Hokin *
Brenda Bunney Johnson
Phil Caine  - no show
David Carboni *
Dave Clark
Marilyn Cole Johnson
Bob Crow *
Bruce Eastley *
Barbara Fong Lee *
John Gardner *
Jay Gould
Andrea Hendren Fiske *
Darlene Hight Darvin  - no show
Joyce Hill Espinola
Margit Hjelmeland Hill - no show
Fred Holmes *
Diane Jacobson Lowe
Marilyn Jones Baker
Sharon King
Joe Latona *
Yvonne Lee Jung-Hitano
Frank Leon  - no show
Sue Louie Yuen
Donna Machado Hodson *
Edna Masuhara Onodera *
Richard Morgan
Perry Odell
Bob Panzer
Dayle Paule *
Barbara Perl Sawyer
Ron Peters *
Harlan Proctor
Sharlene Rawlinson St.Clair
Dewey Richardson
Phil Soto *
Judy Springer Corbett
Tom Wight *  - no show
Roselyn Wong Yee  - no show
Carolyn Wrinkle Bray
Ed Yenick *
Florence Yokoi *