This is a list of members of the McClatchy High class of June '56 we're unable to locate as of March 19, 2024 We would really appreciate your help in locating current addresses, or even just leads to follow, for finding these classmates.
Jane Abbott Hinsdale Jeannine Azevedo Martha Baimas Kelly Helen Bartholomew Krist Robert Bernard David Bill Judith Buckman Zerull Jeanne Bybee Henry Jean Chan Gee Virginia Cuny Maier Corrinne Darland Lindemuth Sherone Dole Ord Henry Fong Norman Gale Ardell Hamilton, Jr. Oma Dee Haynes Echaide Vera Jackson McClain Barbara Jensen Dave Johnson Richard Johnston Nancy Kirchgater DuPonte Janet Mayberry Cheshire Richard Meckfessel Ramona Moreno Bernard Munk Wendy Murdock Horton James Pratt Sharon Purvis Sullivan Thomas Reeves JoAnn Rose Kerndt Thomas Slaugh Pat Small McCloy Pat Taylor Simmons Marvilla Zeigler Mitchell